Saturday, March 31, 2012

Pink Perennials

Most of my weekend posts have been garden-related, and that works for me ...
These are blooming in my front flowerbed, and I love them!

Last summer, my family bought me a bunch of flowers for my birthday. They decided to get perennials only, so the flowers would keep coming back. 

And all my perennials are blooming early, it seems. I'm loving that!
Blooming early, and abundantly. These verbena flowers are certainly more abundant than last year!

I've developed a funny habit of suddenly rushing outside with my camera at different times of day, when I see the light hit the flowers differently ...

It's fun to catch the flowers from a different angle, and in different lighting.

What's really fun is glancing out my front window any time of day, and seeing cheery flowers.

~ * ~ 
Consider the lilies of the field,

how they grow;
they toil not, neither do they spin:
And yet I say unto you,
That even Solomon in all his glory
was not arrayed like one of these.
Wherefore, if God so clothe
the grass of the field,
which to day is,
and to morrow is cast into the oven,
shall he not much more clothe you,
O ye of little faith?
Matthew 6:28b-30
~ * ~ 


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