For some reason, I feel very accomplished, having made a tree skirt for the first time. Ever.
I love that it only cost me a couple dollars, too. My favorite thrift store had this great jumper-dress made out of really neat Christmas fabric. I couldn't wear the jumper (or didn't want to?) - but I realized it was the perfect size/print/colors for some Christmas sewing.
So, sew I did. Actually, it was mostly serging, which made it nice.
I love that this fabric has little shiny-gold highlights. I also love that this Christmas print has roses along with the holly and the poinsettias (and the other random flowers I don't recognize). It's "Christmassy" fabric, without being outlandish.
I'm happy that our Christmas tree has a "real" tree skirt. It would seem that the kitten is happy about this, too.
That's really pretty! -Heather