
Wednesday, July 6, 2016

UFOs: These quilts are happening!

My UFOs have been coming along! 

Here's the short version: 

Finished Quilt Top: Hopscotch Butterscotch. This turned out big (75" x 88"), since I used mostly 2½" cut pieces, instead of the 2" in Bonnie Hunter's pattern. I love the organized randomness! I REALLY love the fancy piano-key border.

ProsperityStuff Quilts: Hopscotch Butterscotch

Still in the works: the quilting on my great-great grandmother's Dresden Plate. Haven't worked on it since last week; more details about this one in last week's post.

ProsperityStuff Quilts: My Great-Great-Grandmother's Dresden Plate

Up for border & quilting soon: the 1008 checkerboard.

ProsperityStuff Quilts: 1008 Little Squares in a Checkerboard Pattern

Got a few stitches in this week: My modern Double Wedding Ring. I've almost got the 5-circles by 7-circles main section done. I last mentioned this quilt top in my initial UFO "goals" post here. Before that, it had been a while since I worked on it. Actually, I started this gorgeous thing about 3 years ago (2013: see this post and also this one), but then I didn't blog about it for another year (2014: see here). For whatever reason, I blogged about it one time a year ago (2015: see this post.) Who knows ... maybe this will be the year this one gets done! I'm not pressuring myself, but it does feel great to get these projects worked on!

ProsperityStuff Quilts: Modern Double Wedding Ring in Batik

Finished & Given away: Baby Happily Scrappily Irish. I blogged about it last Friday.

ProsperityStuff Quilts: Patriotic Irish Chain

Got their portrait painted: A couple of quilts ... Two of my quilts served as inspiration for a friend's beautiful painting! See that post here.

ProsperityStuff Quilts: Two Little Quilts on a Clothesline 

I'm linking this post to this week's UFO Challenge update at Jo's Country Junction ... lots of other quilters are working on their "Un-Finished Objects", and a weekly link party helps remind us to keep up the good work.

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