
Wednesday, January 3, 2018

UFOs for the new year

When I have a lot of sewing projects going (always!), it's super-helpful to find motivations to get things done.

Blog posts (and link parties with other blogs) are an easy way to report weekly on what's happening with ongoing projects. Today I'll be linking this blog post to the UFO Progress post at Jo's Country Junction.

So, for the beginning of the year, I'm going to start a list of unfinished-things-that-I'll-be-working-on.

Then, my Wednesday blog posts can report on what kind of progress I'm making.

In no particular order, the UFOs (UnFinished Objects) I'd like to finish sometime during this year:

The weather quilt ... It'll need backing, quilting, and binding.

My Great-Great Grandmother's circle quilt (haven't blogged about this one yet; details later) - just needs quilting and binding

Americana baby quilt - quilt and bind

2 crumb-style baby quilts (similar to these ones) - crumb strips are made; everything's cut; pieced backings are in progress

The Christmas Tree Quilt - borders and pieced backing are all cut

The Pumpkins Quilt - orange is done; working on background

Random Orange Quilt - mostly pieced

The Extremely Tiny EPP Hexagons - need to figure out how to mount and frame

My Vintage-Inspired EPP ... I've forgotten what stage it's at, but I love it.

So, here's to a great start to 2018!
I'm off to see what's up at Jo's Country Junction today ... and then I better get busy on some sewing!

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