
Saturday, January 6, 2018

Little Crumb Quilts

I have two little crumb quilts about halfway done ... Lots of fabric crumbs give these a fun look!

ProsperityStuff Crumb Quilt Strips - scraps stitched to adding machine paper

Last week, I mentioned some background work on these ...

ProsperityStuff Crumb Quilt preparation

Here's the front of one; the other front is in the works.

ProsperityStuff Crumb Quilt Top colorful stripes

Since I didn't have yardage in the right colors for backing, I found some fun fabrics -- already cut -- in my fabric collection. So I'm putting together some pieced backings. 

These triangles were cut ages ago, and they've just been waiting for the right project. I love how the colors work together, and they're going to make a cute quilt back!

ProsperityStuff Triangles for a quilt back

This patchwork quilt back will be almost as fun as the quilt front! These  4½" squares were cut quite a while ago. Some of the squares were cut from sheets -- the adorable cars and trucks were a Pottery Barn sheet! Other stripes, prints, and solids were cut from shirts. I love the organized variety!

ProsperityStuff Squares for a quilt back

As always, a lot happens in bits and pieces, sometimes in short spurts -- it's good to see progress!

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