
Thursday, July 12, 2018

That Batik Modern Double Wedding Ring Quilt

A really long time ago, I posted about a modern Double Wedding Ring quilt I started.

ProsperityStuff Modern Double Wedding Ring Quilt top

I first posted about it in this blog post in 2013. More recently, there was progress -- but that was in 2015. So, it's been a while.

ProsperityStuff Modern Double Wedding Ring Quilt components

In my original post from 2013, I mentioned that I was definitely inspired by this quilt from Jo's Country Junction. I loved the dark blue background, and I'd never seen a DWR quilt with anything other than a light background, and I LOVED the look of dark blue.

ProsperityStuff Modern Double Wedding Ring Quilt layout

Not being sure I had the endurance for all those hundreds of tiny pieces, I decided on a "modern" look: rings made from larger pieces, and done in batiks.

ProsperityStuff Modern Double Wedding Ring Quilt in progress

I've loved the fabrics, and the colors, and I've enjoyed working on it, but I've been busy. So, it's been sitting.

ProsperityStuff Modern Double Wedding Ring Quilt batik fabrics

Yesterday, Jo's Country Junction announced a Double Wedding Ring Quilt-Along ... Mine's not quite the same, but the Quilt-Along sounds pretty user-friendly and uncomplicated ... So, I think this is my opportunity to get motivated to finish mine!

ProsperityStuff Modern Double Wedding Ring Quilt top in progress

I dug the project out of its zipper-bag-in-a-box. As often happens, I got a lot of the "hard part" finished, and then the project stalled for lack of time. Looks like I've got 5 of my 7 rows mostly-assembled. There are pieces to add to the edges, possibly in conjunction with the borders. And I'm undecided how I want to do the borders, but I've got some ideas.

ProsperityStuff Modern Double Wedding Ring Quilt project

So, before next week, I want to double-check my layout and figure out the plan for the border. (See all those options laid out on paper? I need to figure out which layout I chose and started, and whether all my pieces and parts are accounted for.)

ProsperityStuff Modern Double Wedding Ring Quilt layout

I'm linking this post to Jo's Quilt-Along blog post for this week.

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