
Thursday, September 28, 2017

Crumb Quilt Top

So,  I recently posted a picture of this work in progress. (See Weekend Stitching here.)
Here are a few more pics. 

I had lots of these ... "crumbs" stitched onto adding-machine paper rolls ... So, now, those crumb quilt rolls (see previous posts here and here) are becoming something!


I was trying to figure out what to make with them. 
Baby quilts are fun to make, and baby quilts happen to be my favorite baby shower gift to give, so, baby quilts it is!

Here I'm auditioning these stripes on green and on pale pink, trying to pick a background color.
Turns out, I like both, so I'm making one of each! 

I've got the pieces cut for the pale pink variation, so, that'll be happening soon!

This green one's a quilt top, anxiously awaiting being quilted! (I've got the perfect backing. Time to buy some batting!)

By the way, the stitching-onto-adding-machine-paper is a new idea for me, but good for using up random scraps. Jo's Country Junction mentioned the idea at the end of her blog post here, referencing a blog post from QuiltedTwins -- see their posts about the idea here and here.

After stitching these stripes into this quilt top, I removed the paper from the back of the crumb strips. This was a sort of tedious process, not surprisingly. But it's easy to do while watching a movie, so that's what I did. 

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