
Saturday, May 20, 2023

Playing with Fabric

One of my favorite things with most of my hobbies is that I get to play with color and design. That's especially true with quilt-making. The colors, the patterns, the combinations ... I love them! I recently found that my local Walmart was clearance-ing some of the Pioneer Woman one-yard fabric packages. I love a good deal, so I bought some!

Here, I'm preparing to make some quilt-y kaleidoscopes. It's hard to tell in the picture below, but each of these triangles is actually a stack of SIX identical triangles.

Susana Neiger -- cutting 60-degree triangles for kaleidoscopes

With the six triangles, I'm planning to make hexagon kaleidoscopes. One of the fun things about these kaleidoscopes is ... The same overall fabric makes so many unique designs. (To see some of my other kaleidoscope quilts, just click the "Kaleidoscopes" label on the blog sidebar.)

But also, the same triangle set has three distinct possibilities. The triangle below can be turned into any one of the tree hexagons beneath it. 

Susana Neiger -- 60° triangles for quilt kaleidoscopes

Susana Neiger -- 60° triangle quilt kaleidoscopes Susana Neiger -- quilt kaleidoscope made from 60° triangles 

Susana Neiger -- quilt kaleidoscope stack & whack

And again, this triangle below can be turned into any one of the tree hexagons beneath it. 

Susana Neiger -- floral kaleidoscope hexagon quilt block Susana Neiger -- one block wonder hexagon quilt block

Kaleidoscope quilt designs are lots of fun. I'm having fun playing with fabric! :-)

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