
Monday, July 19, 2021

Cross Stitch Update

Welcome to my blog! I like to talk about my projects ... partly as a record of what I've been working on, and partly to inspire and help others who have similar interests. 

I'm still cross-stitching. Last year, I picked up my cross-stitching, after it had sat in a box for many years. 

ProsperityStuff: Cross-stitch in progress

I have two big projects in progress ... I started both of them about two decades ago. Right now, I'm focusing on this one: It's called Village Alphabet. I've finished six of the alphabet letters, and I'm working on the seventh one.

ProsperityStuff: Cross-Stitch Alphabet

My preference for stitching the actual Xs is a more blunt needle, although when I'm backstitching as the final step, I find a sharper needle to be helpful. 

ProsperityStuff: Cross-Stitch house closeup

I'll be posting cross-stitch pictures periodically as time goes on. I'm hoping that maybe this is my year to finish this one. Let's see ... if I could finish a letter every two weeks, that would do it; I just need to see how realistic that time frame would be. 

ProsperityStuff: Cross-Stitch Alphabet

Happy sewing!

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