
Wednesday, January 17, 2018

UFO Challenge report for the week

What I've been working on this week:

The temperature quilt has every day of 2017 represented by color.

ProsperityStuff Weather Quilt 2017
The side borders (little black squares) got added as each row was stitched. Now, it's got a border of black squares on the top and bottom, too. Here's the side ...

ProsperityStuff Temperature Quilt 2017

This weather quilt project was great for using a lot of scraps. But still, I was a little disappointed at how many precut pieces I had left over (not to mention scraps in general!) So, I planned a use for the precut pieces - and some additional scraps as well.

ProsperityStuff Temperature Quilt back prep

Triangle stripes!
I've been wanting to make a quilt of triangle stripes with neutral background triangles ... And I didn't have a quilt-back planned for the weather quilt yet. So, this is going to be the (elaborate) quilt back!

ProsperityStuff Quilt back - Triangle Stripes

I stitched weather-quilt leftover strips together, then cut triangles, and matching white triangles. 

ProsperityStuff Quilt Weather Quilt leftoversProsperityStuff Quilt Weather Quilt leftovers - aquaProsperityStuff Quilt Weather Quilt leftovers - orange

I even devised a plan for the additional scraps that were leftover from trimming the patchwork down to size. More on that another day.

So, this is progress on scrap-using, and progress on a project I hope to finish soon!

I'm linking this post to this week's UFO Challenge at Jo's Country Junction, and looking forward to seeing what progress others are making on quilt-y UFOs this week.

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