
Tuesday, November 7, 2017


Because I really have a lot of fabric, I started another project! (Shocking, I know!)

I loved the pumpkins quilt that Jo's Country Junction recently posted about, based on a Bonnie Hunter pattern. I don't have the pattern, but I love the idea, and it seems simple enough. The quilt quickly went on my mental list to make someday. (It also went on my {huge} Pinterest list of Quilt & Sewing ideas -- see this Pin!)

Without pressure to worry about whether I finish this this fall or next fall, I got started on some string pieces. I'm foundation-piecing big strings onto paper that's cut at 8.5" x 7". My blocks will be bigger than the pattern, but that's a good thing. 

I cut my scraps into usable strings that are a variety of widths. So far, I'm liking the variety, and it's fun to see, with scrap projects, how different each piece turns out.


I've got quite a few orange scraps to use; we'll see how long the variety holds out. The first day I worked on them, I got 9 pumpkin sections done; the next time, I added 18 more. 

I'm not sure how many blocks I'll make; the pattern had 49 small blocks (+ borders) for a lap-size quilt. If I do 49 big blocks, I may have nearly a twin-size, which is nice. But I'll probably just see how long my orange scraps hold out, and let that guide my number-of-blocks.

I have no definite plans for a background fabric. So. We shall see. It's a fun start!

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