
Monday, October 9, 2017

In other crumb quilt news ...

I've recently made some progress on the next crumb quilt: the pink one!

Not long ago, when I was prepping the green crumb quilt, I also mentioned wanting to make a pink one.

I love that baby quilts are smallish, do-able projects. Usually what I have is little bits of time here and there. The other day, I was pleased to be able to completely quilt the green crumb quilt in less than an hour!

One day a couple of weeks ago, I cut some pale pink fabric for this little quilt top. I don't usually have time to cut things out AND sew on the same day ... so I try to do the rotary cutting for a couple projects while I've got the cutting stuff out. And on another day, I'll do some of the sewing for a couple projects, while I've got the sewing stuff out.

With some weekend sewing time, I stitched the pieces together, and now I have a little quilt top.

I still need to press, and trim, and remove the papers from the back of the crumb quilt strips. Then I'll decide if I need a border, and what kind of backing & binding I'll use.

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