
Tuesday, September 26, 2017

The Summer Weather is in the Quilt!

The Weather Quilt is still happening!

I recently updated the quilt-in-progress, and it's been a while since I showed any pictures!

Full disclosure: It's been a while since I sewed any weeks-of-weather onto the quilt either ... the little labeled/pinned stacks below each represent a week! 

I try to update a week or two at a time, but somehow, it had been 8 weeks since I did anything! But playing with cute fabrics (closeups below) is always fun!

I've been surprised and amused that I haven't gotten to use any of my bright red fabrics in my quilt. I had them planned for the 100°+ days - of which there are usually several during the summer around here. (Last year, there were 17 days that the weather service recorded temps above 100°. This year: none!)

So, the quilt is coming along. It's getting big. Queen-sized when it's through ... and the quilt top is nearly 75% done!

So, now, I shall have to plan how to do the back of the quilt ... I want to make a little "key" with which colors represent which temperature ranges. And since I've got a variety of fabrics in each color,  (and plenty of leftovers, as always!) I might do some cute "string blocks" to incorporate some of the extra fabric.

And, speaking of leftovers, I've got lots of ideas in my head for using up the scraps that I'd set aside for this project ... I'll have plenty of extras, so those pieces I cut will be a great jumping-off point for whatever quilts I start next year.

I just need to plan some quilting time into my January, so that I actually get this quilted while it's still winter!!!

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