
Monday, June 12, 2017

Little Red and White Patchwork

I recently came across a bunch of red fabric for a bargain price in my thrift-store shopping.
Looking for a simple/fast pattern to make, I found this pin on Pinterest.

So, here's the beginning of a little quilt top (un-ironed, and photographed with my phone) ...

I'm not sure if I have enough contrast between the "reds" and the "whites" in some cases. And also, some of the solid reds are maybe a little too intense. 

But for now, I'm going with it. It's a fun, fast design ... 4-patches made from squares cut at 4.5", and 16-patches made from squares cut at 2.5" -- my favorite sizes!

I started off doing these Leader-and-Ender style, then spent a little while putting these few blocks together.

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